Everything goes Auto? First experiences with the Oracle Autoupgrade-Tool - Part 3 - Deploy mode

As this post is a part of a series of posts regarding Autoupgrade-tool, you might want to start with the first (configuration) or the second post (pre-upgrade analysis).

Most of the tests I did in the deploy mode, because I used snapshots (instead of backups) a lot while testing, so it was (also with SE2) easy to revert to the last state. Snapshots have been my best friends as I didn't want to wait for the restore/recovery...

As I said, I was sometimes a little bit confused that with "lsj" e.g. status showed "finished" while message said "starting" (Slide 26), so I preferred the detailed
status -job <jobno> to look at the status of the job.
There are a lot details you can see, e.g. the operation, what is already done, how many stages are pending, etc., the status command at a database with CDB architecture also shows all PDBs (including seed) which are in touch by the tool (Slide 27 and Slide 28).

As the first tests without archivelog mode succeeded, I tried to use "restoration=YES" in my configuration. This means, you use a guaranteed restore point (GRP, Enterprise Edition only) where you can roll back the database to, if something goes wrong.

For using GRP you need a Fast Recovery Area (FRA). Most of our customers don't use FRA by default, so this is something we need to introduce in our case, exclusively and only for the time of the upgrade.

Testing with GRP, after some minutes, I have seen with another "status" command, that there is a warning. The recovery area is nearly full and the upgrade could "appear hung" if the recovery area is filled up (Slide 29).
To find out, what happens, if the FRA is full, I started later on another autoupgrade run with a far too small FRA (Slide 30).
Thankfully, the tool did not hung, but throwed an unexpected exception error. In the very detailed logs (it's more a debug trace than a normal logfile) you can easily find the error: "MIN_RECOVERY_AREA_SIZE" is to small.

Fixing that can be done online with "alter system", but only with scope=MEMORY. The database is restarted a couple of times with a pfile while it runs through the deploy mode. (Slide 31)
You can either wait for this error happen more than once or, what I did, change the different pfiles, e.g. "during_upgrade_pfile_catctl.ora" (which is located at the dbupgrade subdirectory of your job) in addition. After resuming the job (Slide 33), the autoupgrade finished fine (Slides 34, 35, 38).

As the size of the FRA can be critical, it's good to set it big enough before you begin with the deploy mode. You could, e.g. use the "before_action" parameter in your configuration to change the FRA size or you can use add_during_upgrade_pfile, for example. (Slide 32)

While the tool is running, you can see with the status command that it's e.g. upgrading CDB$ROOT, upgrading PDB$SEED or your user PDBs (in parallel) (Slides 34/35).
There is also a "tasks" command (Slide 36) where you can see all the tasks that are running or waiting, but I didn't see anything there I think I would need at my daily work.

If you run the autoupgrade.jar on MS Windows, a temporary service in the target Oracle Home is created (Slide 37), dropped afterwards and you have to drop the old original service and create the new one manually, that's fine.
When the upgrade has finished, don't forget to drop the GRP by yourself, otherwise the FRA will be filled up completely (you could set a parameter in your configuration to do this automatically, but I prefer to test the upgraded environment first) (Slide 38).

On MS Windows I had an unexpected error again on my german environment as stopping the service for the database to be upgraded was successful, but the tool was raising an error (Slide 40). I have opened another SR for that and I think it will be fixed soon (there is a bug open for that). After installing the US language pack and changing the Oracle user account to "US" language, everything worked fine.

The next post will be about the Non-CDB to PDB conversion with the autoupgrade tool.

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