Nearly finished with the project, I got a script from our customer to schedule it with cronjob.
The script should do a full export every Sunday and a schema export of all schemas that don't use the SYSTEM or SYSAUX tablespace as default tablespace all other days.
What I have seen then was unbelievable, I nearly couldn't stop head-shaking.
The former consulting company created a procedure that was stored in the SYS user. Not worse enough, this procedure was scheduled from inside the database (using dbms_jobs) and the only job was - do you sit? - creating a linux shell script dynamically, with a full export on Sunday and the schema exports on all other days.
The last step and the next head-shaking was, that this dynamically created script afterwards was scheduled in cronjob. I don't need to mention that the export wasn't made consistent using any FLASHBACK_ parameter.
What the hell...
First rule: Never put anything in the SYS schema of the database, especially not when it is scheduled inside the database.
Second rule: Don't do things more complicated, as they are, so use your brain but let the things to run to be simple and understandable (I extra don't say stupid).
Third rule: Don't rely on a job cascade combining inside and outside database schedules. Worst thing here is that the dynamic shell script could not be written by the database, so if you add e.g. a schema, this will never be exported - and you may also never get a full export (or you get a full export all the time).
Well, these three and a lot more topics convinced me to streamline the export a little bit:
- Keep it simple and easy
- Make only one job
- Don't put any own code into the SYS schema
- Make the script dynamic
- Make the export consistent
- Add own logfile entries
So I created a new script, you can copy and paste it into your notepad/vi and save it (maybe you need to deal with wrong quotation marks after copy/paste). The script exports to the temp directory with the DB_UNIQUE_NAME as subdirectory. Please create this directory before you start the export or add "host 'mkdir -p /tmp/&lv_db'" after the create or replace directory statement to create it also dynamically.
Afterwards, you can run the script by just start sqlplus as a SYS/SYSTEM user and provide the script name, e.g. if you save the script as JoergsDatapumpExport.sql you can start the script after setting oraenv by calling $ sqlplus / as sysdba @JoergsDatapumpExport.sql .
Hope, this script is helpful for someone - if you connect e.g. to a pdb using sqlplus and if you have added the mkdir part, you can dynamically export from any pdb. There are also some enhancements I have done for my test environment you could do: Adding parallel export support depending on the numbers of cores you can use or you can stop the datapump export if there is no schema to export - before ugly stuff is written into the logfile.
Comments are welcome.
set serveroutput on
set feedback off
column db_unique_name new_value lv_db
select db_unique_name from v$database;
create or replace directory "DATA_PUMP_DIR" as '/tmp/&lv_db';
l_dp_handle NUMBER;
v_job_state varchar2(4000);
v_day varchar2(100);
v_host varchar2(50);
v_db varchar2(20);
v_schemaexport varchar2(1000);
l_current_scn number;
cursor c1 is
select username from dba_users where default_tablespace not in ('SYSTEM','SYSAUX')
and username not in ('PERFSTAT');
select rtrim(to_char(sysdate,'DAY')) into v_day from dual;
select host_name into v_host from v$instance;
select db_unique_name, current_scn into v_db, l_current_scn from v$database;
if v_day in ('SUNDAY','SONNTAG') then
l_dp_handle := => 'EXPORT',
job_mode => 'FULL',
remote_link => NULL,
version => 'LATEST');
l_dp_handle := => 'EXPORT',
job_mode => 'SCHEMA',
remote_link => NULL,
version => 'LATEST');
end if;
DBMS_DATAPUMP.add_file(handle => l_dp_handle,
filename => v_host||'_'||v_db||'_'||v_day||'.dmp',
reusefile => 1);
DBMS_DATAPUMP.add_file(handle => l_dp_handle,
filename => v_host||'_'||v_db||'_'||v_day||'.log',
reusefile => 1);
DBMS_DATAPUMP.SET_PARAMETER(handle => l_dp_handle, name => 'FLASHBACK_SCN', value => l_current_scn);
if v_day in ('SUNDAY','SONNTAG') then
DBMS_DATAPUMP.log_entry(handle => l_dp_handle,
message => 'FULL Export.');
DBMS_DATAPUMP.log_entry(handle => l_dp_handle,
message => 'SCHEMA Export (without schemas with SYSTEM and SYSAUX default Tablespace).');
v_schemaexport := 'IN (' ;
for c1_rec in c1 loop
if c1%rowcount=1 then
v_schemaexport := v_schemaexport||''''||c1_rec.username||'''';
v_schemaexport := v_schemaexport||','||''''||c1_rec.username||'''';
end if;
end loop;
v_schemaexport:= v_schemaexport||')';
DBMS_DATAPUMP.METADATA_FILTER(l_dp_handle, 'SCHEMA_EXPR', v_schemaexport);
end if;
DBMS_DATAPUMP.log_entry(handle => l_dp_handle,
message => 'Please wait until the export is completed.');
DBMS_DATAPUMP.log_entry(handle => l_dp_handle,
message => 'Export Parameters: Flashback_SCN='||to_char(l_current_scn),
log_file_only => 0);
DBMS_DATAPUMP.log_entry(handle => l_dp_handle,
message => 'Start time: '||to_char(sysdate,'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),
log_file_only => 0);
set serveroutput on
set feedback off
column db_unique_name new_value lv_db
select db_unique_name from v$database;
create or replace directory "DATA_PUMP_DIR" as '/tmp/&lv_db';
l_dp_handle NUMBER;
v_job_state varchar2(4000);
v_day varchar2(100);
v_host varchar2(50);
v_db varchar2(20);
v_schemaexport varchar2(1000);
l_current_scn number;
cursor c1 is
select username from dba_users where default_tablespace not in ('SYSTEM','SYSAUX')
and username not in ('PERFSTAT');
select rtrim(to_char(sysdate,'DAY')) into v_day from dual;
select host_name into v_host from v$instance;
select db_unique_name, current_scn into v_db, l_current_scn from v$database;
if v_day in ('SUNDAY','SONNTAG') then
l_dp_handle := => 'EXPORT',
job_mode => 'FULL',
remote_link => NULL,
version => 'LATEST');
l_dp_handle := => 'EXPORT',
job_mode => 'SCHEMA',
remote_link => NULL,
version => 'LATEST');
end if;
DBMS_DATAPUMP.add_file(handle => l_dp_handle,
filename => v_host||'_'||v_db||'_'||v_day||'.dmp',
reusefile => 1);
DBMS_DATAPUMP.add_file(handle => l_dp_handle,
filename => v_host||'_'||v_db||'_'||v_day||'.log',
reusefile => 1);
DBMS_DATAPUMP.SET_PARAMETER(handle => l_dp_handle, name => 'FLASHBACK_SCN', value => l_current_scn);
if v_day in ('SUNDAY','SONNTAG') then
DBMS_DATAPUMP.log_entry(handle => l_dp_handle,
message => 'FULL Export.');
DBMS_DATAPUMP.log_entry(handle => l_dp_handle,
message => 'SCHEMA Export (without schemas with SYSTEM and SYSAUX default Tablespace).');
v_schemaexport := 'IN (' ;
for c1_rec in c1 loop
if c1%rowcount=1 then
v_schemaexport := v_schemaexport||''''||c1_rec.username||'''';
v_schemaexport := v_schemaexport||','||''''||c1_rec.username||'''';
end if;
end loop;
v_schemaexport:= v_schemaexport||')';
DBMS_DATAPUMP.METADATA_FILTER(l_dp_handle, 'SCHEMA_EXPR', v_schemaexport);
end if;
DBMS_DATAPUMP.log_entry(handle => l_dp_handle,
message => 'Please wait until the export is completed.');
DBMS_DATAPUMP.log_entry(handle => l_dp_handle,
message => 'Export Parameters: Flashback_SCN='||to_char(l_current_scn),
log_file_only => 0);
DBMS_DATAPUMP.log_entry(handle => l_dp_handle,
message => 'Start time: '||to_char(sysdate,'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),
log_file_only => 0);