Everything goes Auto? First experiences with the Oracle Autoupgrade-Tool - Part 2 - Pre-Upgrade-Analysis

This is the second post to the first experiences with the Autoupgrade tool. Please start with the first one.

You start the pre-grade analysis with the parameters -config <yourconfigfile> -mode analyze in console mode (Slide 20).

With "lsj" you can see the job number and some information, like stage, operation, status and message. As I was not able to understand all the different status combinations at the output, I started to prefer to select only the job number and issue a
"status -job <jobno>" to get the detailed information regarding a job.
The analysis job finishes after some minutes (1 to 3 depending on my virtualbox on the laptop or the VMWare server) (Slide 21).

At your autoupgrade log directory, you then get a number of files, the two I want to mention here are the preupgrade.html file and the checklist.cfg file (Slide 22).

As not all servers do have a web browser installed (mostly on linux there isn't a GUI), you really should copy the html file to your desktop!

There is soooo many information in this html and you should treat all messages serious, independend if they are "errors" or only "warnings", "recommended" or "infos" (Slides 23-25).

What you have to look at is what is the topic that raises you a message and if there is a fixup available. Fixup available yes means, the autoupgrade tool can correct this topic before (or after) the database is/was upgraded automatically by itself.

For our "customer-like" environment we had e.g. things in the dba recyclebin. This can be fixed automatically, but as DBA I like to prefer to have a look into the recycle bin first.Maybe there is something in there we already need?

Another topic found was 10G password version users are existing - they can't connect to the 19c database later on! Will be really bad if you don't fix that by yourself.
The "streams configuration" found in the database wasn't used, so I dropped that manually (the html shows you the DBMS-Packages you need as output).

Again, check all the things you see at the html carefully! Then decide to let it be fixed automatically (if there is a fixup available), to change the configuration or to ignore the issue (like ignoring some invalid procedures in our application schema depending on the type of software in use).

If you want to ignore a fix, you can tweak the checklist.cfg file by changing runfix from YES to NO. Keep in mind to NOT run the autoupgrade tool afterwards with the "deploy" parameter. You need to run the fixup and the upgrade modes manually.
Deploy creates a new pre-analysis, fixes things and upgrades the database in another job and does not know of things you may have changed in the older checklist.cfg which belongs to an old, finished job.

Another topic, we often see: Some of us do have underscore parameters at the spfile and the tool detects this and says, there is no fixup available. This is true, but there is a workaround.
If you want to get rid of all underscore parameters you can set a global parameter (remove_underscore_parameters=yes) and you can add the once you really need later with the add_to_pfile-files you can specify. Otherwise you can ignore this and proceed with the fixups or with the deploy mode (the underscore parameter are still in your spfile after the upgrade).

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