Some more presentations... part 2 (with some corrections)

Hi all,

I have some date changes to tell regarding the post about where I do speak next about Oracle stuff.
So the new (and I hope fixed) dates in the next months are:

  • New: 07.05.2019 Robotron BusinessCafe at Duebendorf. I will speak a little bit about Oracle Cloud and (maybe) in addition a little bit about DBSAT (Database Security).
  • CHANGED: Then, in May (14th), I will speak at the Oracle Fokustag of Robotrons HQ at Dresden, also about 18c/19c New Features (including XE) and what a DBA need to prepare to run 19c as a long-term release.

    Agenda und Anmeldung (bald möglich): Fokustag Datenbanken in Dresden
  • And last, but not least, the big Swiss Oracle User Group Day takes part at May, 22nd at Olten. I will speak there again about 19c New Features.

Some more presentations...

Hi all,

so many new things, so many testing, so many work to do at the moment.
But despite the fact I am testing Oracle Autonomous TP Cloud and PostgreSQL (last week I have finished the tests with pgBackRest as Robotron Standard Backup tool for our PostgreSQL customers) I am planning for some more presentations at events at Switzerland and Germany.

At the moment the following events are confirmed, unfortunately, for the english speaking people, they are all in german language.

  • 26.03.2019, Oracle Fokustag at Robotron Schweiz. I will speak about 19c New Features and a little bit about the new version of DBSAT (Database Security Assesment Tool), I think. 
  • 9./10.04.2019, Oracle Database Appliance Events at Stade de Suisse, Bern, and at Oracles Smart Innovation Center at the Prime Tower Zurich. Main focus there is how the ODA can help you on premise to find your way to the cloud and why Standard Edition 2 fits perfect to Oracles Database Appliance. 
  • Then, in May (7th), I will speak at the Oracle Fokustag of Robotrons HQ at Dresden, also about 18c/19c New Features and what a DBA need to prepare to run 19c as a long-term release.
  • And last, but not least, the big Swiss Oracle User Group Day takes part at May, 22nd at Olten. I will speak there again about 19c New Features. 

Hope to see you at one or more events!

Guest Addition Installation "hangs" on Oracle VirtualBox after Upgrade from 5.2.22 to 6.0.4

I like running Oracles VirtualBox on my laptop for tests and demos. It is very easy to create new virtual machines, make snapshots, do test, roll back and forward to different stages.

In my holidays, Oracle now have released a new version of Virtualbox - version 6. As I was running 5.2.22 on my laptop, I downloaded the newest version (6.0.4) and installed it on my machine. The VMs started like they have done before, but as I do need the guest additions (for shared folders, etc.) I needed to upgrade them also.

When you start a VM, the VirtualBox software automatically checks for the existence of an older guest additions version and asks you, if you want to download/update to the newest version. You should do so - but in my case, after the download and the initial installation was done, the Run failed.
I was logged into my VM as root and the VBox Guest Addition iso was mounted automatically. Then it asked me to start the installation:

As I trusted this, I just started the installation by pressing the "Run" button. But the installation started a new terminal session and then it was hanging after some seconds at "Removing installed version of VirtualBox Guest Additions".

This shouldn't happen as it normally a very quick task. I tried to restart the VM, but it still stopped at the removing part of the Guest Additions.

I don't know, why this happened, but I was able to solve it by opening a terminal window as root and starting "" manually:

Doing this, the old Guest Additions were removed in some seconds and the new guest addition kernel was installed afterwards successfully (building was done in some minutes).

After restarting the VM, I was able to use the shared folders again.

So, if you have a problem with the Guest Additions after upgrading your VirtualBox software, try to start the Guest Addition installation from inside a root terminal window instead of using the normal autorun feature (even if you are logged in as root).