I have some date changes to tell regarding the post about where I do speak next about Oracle stuff.
So the new (and I hope fixed) dates in the next months are:
- 26.03.2019, Oracle Fokustag at Robotron Schweiz. I will speak about
19c New Features and a little bit about the new version of DBSAT
(Database Security Assesment Tool), I think.
Agenda und Anmeldung: Fokustag Oracle CH-Wil (St. Gallen)
- 9./10.04.2019, Oracle Database Appliance Events at Stade de Suisse,
Bern, and at Oracles Smart Innovation Center at the Prime Tower Zurich.
Main focus there is how the ODA can help you on premise to find your way
to the cloud and why Standard Edition 2 fits perfect to Oracles
Database Appliance.
Agenda und Anmeldung: Oracle Database Appliance Workshop Bern
Agenda und Anmeldung: Oracle Database Appliance Workshop Zuerich
- New: 07.05.2019 Robotron BusinessCafe at Duebendorf. I will speak a little bit about Oracle Cloud and (maybe) in addition a little bit about DBSAT (Database Security).
- CHANGED: Then, in May (14th), I will speak at the Oracle Fokustag of Robotrons
HQ at Dresden, also about 18c/19c New Features (including XE) and what a DBA need to
prepare to run 19c as a long-term release.
Agenda und Anmeldung (bald möglich): Fokustag Datenbanken in Dresden
- And last, but not least, the big Swiss Oracle User Group Day takes
part at May, 22nd at Olten. I will speak there again about 19c New