What crazy times we have. Most conferences are online only, some are also on-premises, but without the necessary hygiene concept to avoid corona (or without enough control), as I have seen at twitter.
The big DOAG conference this year is an online conference AND an on-premises one - but with a big hygiene concept. Roundabout half of the presentations are streamed online, all others can only be seen at Nuremberg.
I was selected as a speaker again, which makes me still proud. This year, I will talk about migrating and upgrading a database using the autoupgrade tool over to nodes. I will show this with a Windows environment - because it's a little bit more to do manually, but I will also cover the things you need to do at Linux (as this means I will just say: you don't need to do that step on Linux 😉). Unfortunately, the presentation will not be streamed online, this means, if you want to see that, you have to go to Nuremberg (and speak german, as my presentation will be in german).
So, stay safe and see you there - hopefully!