MS Windows, Virtual Service Accounts and Non-CDB to CDB/PDB conversion

Sometimes, when you test something, you do struggle about something else. This happened to me πŸ™‹while testing the autoupgrade.jar (I will also write a blog update in the next days about the latest version) with a pre-release lab version (thanks to Mike Dietrich for sharing it). 
Part of this pre-release version is the conversion of a non-cdb database into a PDB and plug that automatically into an already existing CDB.
(explanation for the screenshots: ECKES is a 12.2 NON-CDB database, ECKES1 is an empty 19c CDB).

πŸ‘‰ By the way - 19c is the last version where NON-CDB architecture is supported AND you do have 3 (THREE!) pdbs free per CDB with 19c and later. Even with Standard Edition 2 licenses! That's great, so use it!

But back to my tests, what happened?
The old oracle database (ECKES) created a XML metadata file after it was upgraded to 19c. You need this file to plug-in the database later on into an already existing CDB, but the CDB (ECKES1) wasn't able to read this XML metadata file. This can happen in every environment, not only with the autoupgrade-tool!

I've got the following error on every run, even if I did the NON-CDB to PDB migration by myself:
ORA-65026 XML metadata file error : LPX-00202: could not open

(By the way, some people are getting ORA-27041: unable to open file for this error.)

While testing manually, I have found out later on, that the CDB database was able to read the xml only, when it was placed into a subdirectory of this Oracle database version, e.g. %ORACLE_HOME%\database, but not, if it was automatically written by the autoupgrade tool to it's own directories or, e.g., to my c:\temp.

You can see it at the following screenshot, where DBMS_PDB.CHECK_PLUG_COMPATIBILITY succeeded at the first call (c:\oracle\product\\database\Eckes.xml), but not at the second, the home of the autoupgrade tool (c:\oracle\product\upg_logs\ECKES\...).

It took me some weekend hours to find out why this happens. 
With Oracle 19c, I have installed the database software using a "virtual account", I think, most people will do it that way to avoid to create some special users in Windows. After that, I used the dbca to create an empty CDB for my tests.

The "old" database software is running as "local system" and also the autoupgrade-service from the new home was doing so, while the fresh created 19c CDB was running with the "virtual account" - as "NT Service\OracleService<MySID>". 

When a XML metadata file is created, it is created as "Local System", not as "NT Service\OracleService<MySID>" and therefore, the fresh created file lacks the read/write permission of the ServiceAccounts (ORA_OraDB19Home1_SVCACCTS). 
You can see here, the XML metadata file created at the %ORACLE_HOME% subdirectory does have the rights,

while the XML metadata file created at the autoupgrade.jar home don't have the rights of the ServiceAccount.

My first thoughts were, why is it not enough to have "ORA_DBA" as group for both files, but that's something which is built-in into Windows unfortunately. 

How can you fix that?
If you are doing a NON-CDB to PDB conversion manually, it's easy to choose the right directory - e.g. place the file in the database subdirectory of your new %ORACLE_HOME%. If you want to do it more automated or you want to store the xml metadata file somewhere else, you have to change the Service of the CDB, where you want the database be plugged into. You need to set it to "Local System" for the time of the migration. 

After the migration is done, you can set the service back to the virtual user service account. 

⚡A comment on that: Be aware that you need to restart the service (which restarts your database instance) after you have changed the "logon as" in the MS Windows Service properties!

Another way to fix issues with Oracle databases on MS Windows is to switch to Linux environments, e.g. Oracles database appliances. You can avoid a lot things where you struggle on Windows. πŸ˜‰

Hope that will someone help to avoid hours of investigation.